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Jeremy Woodruff - short CV and biography

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Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh
Diploma, Conservatorium van Amsterdam  
M.Mus. Royal Academy of Music London
M.F.A. Brandeis University  
B.M. Boston University  

Musikfonds e.V. FEBIII stipend mit Ensemble Extrakte, 2023
Musikfonds e.V. stipend, 2021, 2022, 2023
GEMA Neustart Kultur stipend, 2021

University of Pittsburgh Andrew Mellon Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, 2012-2013
University of Pittsburgh Nationality Rooms Committee Scholarship, 2011

Short Biography:

Jeremy Woodruff is Senior Scientist in Artistic Research at the University of Music and Performing arts Graz (KUG) and Guest Professor at Bard College Berlin. Recently he is the Artistic Director of the Sonic Borderlines project. He was founder and Artistic Director of Berlin School of Sound. He is former Lecturer in Composition, Music Theory and Sound Studies at the Istanbul Technical University Center for Advanced Studies in Music (MIAM) and former Lecturer in Composition at KM Music Conservatory in Chennai, India. His compositions and sound art are informed by his research in sound studies and ethnomusicology. He is a skilled and versatile performer with multiple wind instruments and electronics. He has collaborated with various artists not only on sound art but also in video, dance theater and radio works, including with Bani Abidi, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Meg Stuart and others. His radio show “Berlin School of Sound” can be heard every month on Colaboradio, FR-BB, 88,4 FM in Berlin and 90,7 FM in Potsdam, Germany.
His sound art has been presented by RBB Kunst im Bau, in various galleries including KW Berlin, AD Gallery Bremen, Kasa Gallery Istanbul and Art Bangaluru in Bangalore, India. His concert works have been commissioned by Ensemble Extrakte, Ensemble Decibel (London), Hezarfen Ensemble (Istanbul), Kammerensemble Neue Musik, Deutschen Kammerorchester Berlin and others. His writings have been published by Klangzeitort (Berlin), Interference: A Journal of Audio Culture, Journal of Sonic Studies, KunstMusik, Sruti Magazine, Verlag für Moderne Kunst(Nürnberg), Bloomsbury Press, Les Presses du Réel and by Errant Bodies Press. He is a founding member of the Errant Sound collective in Berlin, where he was a co-founder and curator of the Dystopie Sound Art Festival since 2018 ( 

Full CV on request - Contact